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A-Level Economics: Model Essays in Microeconomics (2nd Ed)

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In order to do well in the GCE A-level Economics examination today, students must display evidence of higher-order thinking skills (Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation) through the essays that they write. Students must be able to explain current economic events in terms of the relevant economic principles that they have learnt. They also have to integrate the different topics learnt to construct a coherent line of argument and reconcile conflicting ideas. In addition, they have to evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of the various economic policies from their lecture notes. Finally, the flow of their ideas must be logical, clear and concise. Students should also be aware that there are many ways of interpreting and answering an Economics essay question. The model essays on Microeconomics in this book serve as a guide to aid their revision on the types of essays they can present to help them score well in the examination.

Key features:
40 model essays to familiarise you with examination-type questions and answers
Questions cover all topics of the A-Level Economics syllabus in Microeconomics
Detailed diagrams provided to supplement the essays