Dear Parents,
Get your Instagrammer teenager reading more and doing better in the English exam
Inspiremagazines are specially written with #trending topics in order to get your teenager to spend less time surfing the internet and more time reading enrichingcontent.
Every issue of Inspire magazine has been written to help your teenager do well in all 4 papers of the GCE "O" Level English exam by covering #trending topics they care about and will want to read.
Each issue also contains QR codes to YouTube videos to engage a young reader in digital ways, as well as inspirational stories to encourage your child to dream big and fight against hardships.
The issues are filled with articles discussing topics relevant to a teenager today, andare written in the below 5 essay formats to help your child master all 5 writing styles:
- Argumentative Essay
- Descriptive Essay
- Expository Essay
- Narrative Essay
- Personal Recount Essay
Inspire magazine is written by a team of highly qualified former MOE teachersand also includesworksheets and even oral and listening comprehension exercises to help students do better in all 4 papers of their English exams.
Inspire magazine was nominated Best Education Title by Singapore Book Awards in 2018.Inspire will help your child to:
- Master the 5 essay formats
- Develop critical thinking, writing, reading, listening, and oral skills
- Increase general knowledge
Results-focused English enrichment resources that will get your child writing better essays for the O-Levels
Is your child struggling with how to write a good essay? We can help!
iThink Magazines are full of the best model essays and contain plenty of essay practice questions from past year exams. It is designed to help your child master essential tips on how to write an A1-quality essay.
Written by a team of highly qualified trained teachers and led by a former English Head of Department, every issue has been written to help your child increase their general knowledge, understand techniques of how to write a good essay, and apply their learnings with practice questions.
iThink Magazines provide methods and strategies to master the below 6 essay formats that are tested in the O-Levels:
- Argumentative Essay
- Descriptive Essay
- Expository Essay
- Hybrid Essay
- Narrative Essay
- Personal Recount Essay
Each issue also comes with worksheets and suggested answers.
Helping students write better essays since 2014,iThink Magazine was nominated Best Education Title by Singapore Book Awards in 2016 and 2018 and has been used by teachers in more than 50 schools.
iThink Magazines contain:
- Model essays with #trending content
Each issue contains 5 different O-Level essay formats that cover interesting hot topics. This allows your child to learn from model essay examples while growing in general knowledge.
- Techniques and tips clearly explained
Every model essay comes with worksheets that analyze techniques used so that your child learns what about the essay makes it a model example, and how to do the same.
- Application of learning
Your child can immediately put the learnings into practice with a list of essay practice questions. We also feature selected essays in our upcoming issues as model essays, or essays that will be used as examples for areas of improvement. Selected essays will be rewarded $20 each. Interested? Send in your essays to!
Dont lose out on a chance to help your child write better essays for the O-Levels. Buy now!
Inspire issue 14 - The Miracle Boy
Inspire issue 16 - From Trash To Treasure
IThink issue 19 - Diverse
IThink issue 23 - A Tale Of More Than 2 Countries