Dear Parents,
Here is a combo deal for your little ones!
For a limited time only, receive a Pilot Pen Set, a file and a Traveloc (worth $60 in total) with every purchase of this bundle!

Storytime magazines
4 Issues (March, May, July, September)
Storytime is a leading children's magazine from the UK for children aged 8 and above to be able to enjoy the below 10 wide-ranging benefits in 1 easy place:
- Increase general knowledge through stories from around the world
- Enhance language development through poems and rhymes
- Learn moral values through value-based fables
- Increase vocabulary through word banks
- Develop fine motor skills through free handicraft printables available online
- Enjoy language through captivating fairy tales
- Have fun while learning through interactive games
- Encourage imagination through colourful illustrations
- Deepen bond with parents through prompts for conversations
- Spark creativity through imaginary play
i Magazine
4 Issues (February, Apil, July, August)
Are you struggling to get your upper primary child to be more well-read? imagazines are specially written to get every young Gen Z student reading more and doing better in all 4 papers of the PSLE English exam.
It contains #trending topics that would interest a young reader 10 years old and above. The articles are written by former MOE teachers and will increase general knowledge of your child, which is especially important to do well in the Oral and Writing components of the PSLE exam.
Each issue also contains QR codes to videos and audio clips to excite and engage a young person in digital ways for the below:
- Model examples of Oral stimulus-based conversations
- Listening Comprehension practice
- YouTube videos to supplement content discussed in the articles
imagazine will help every reader to:
- Be more knowledgeable about trends in Singapore and the world
- Expand their vocabulary
- Improve in writing skills, language use and comprehension skills, listening comprehension skills, and oral communication skills
National Geographic Kids
4 Issues ( April, May, August, September)
It's mind-boggling! NatGeo Kids is packed with stories and beautiful photos of wild animals, exotic places and interesting phenomena from around the world.
It's entertaining! Each issue includes cool features that make learning fun, like Weird But True,Bet You Didn't Know,Amazing Animals and more!
It's exciting! Selected issues come with bonuses to delight and surprise kids, like collectible animal cards and pull-out posters. It's fun! Clever games and riddles make kids curious and excited to learn about the world.
Nat Geo Kids is suitable for ages 6 to 12.